Dave Thomas
According to his interview with Animation Insider back in 2015, he says that he was fascinated with animation from the Warner Bros. cartoons that he and his sister watched together as kids. When it came to pursuing the animation industry, he lived in San Diego and was exposed to the famous San Diego Comic Con, along with the fact that he lived near an Animation gallery and got to meet with Disney's Nine Old Men (who are the greatest animators from the Disney studio, responsible for some of the greatest Disney films of all time, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to The Rescuers). He deemed that his "lucky break" came from when he met with Joe Ranft from Pixar (who has since been deceased), where he was introduced to storyboarding and was offered an internship at Pixar for the first Toy Story film. He also says that the hardest part about being in the business is balancing work and family, as he is also raising two kids.
If I were to ask Dave Thomas a question (out of the many I probably would ask), I would say that as someone who is interested in pursuing Animation, I'm sure he has (at times) felt that he was not good enough to pursue it or felt that he could never reach the level that others have done either before him or currently, which can be really heartbreaking or frustrating to deal with. So, I would ask, how does he get out of this "rut" and continue trying anyway? And maybe, how does he recommend us animation pursuers to make connections?
Information Sources
Well, your question was well answered in his talk! Was it helpful?